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2004 Time After Pentecost

1) Trinity Sunday
The One Absolutely Necessary Truth - Father Joseph Pfeiffer

2) Feast of Corpus Christi
The Hoy Eucharist Bonds Us to the Cross - Father Joseph Pfeiffer

3) 3rd Sunday After Pentecost
Our Combat with the Devil - Fr. Joseph Dreher

4) 4th Sunday after Pentecost
How to Know, Love, & Serve God - Fr. Christopher Leith

5) 5th Sunday After Pentecost
The Spouse of Christ - Fr. Joseph Pfeiffer

6) 5th Sunday after Pentecost
Seek After Peace and Pursue It. - Father Joseph Pfeiffer

7) 6th Sunday After Pentecost
The Crucifixion of Our Sins - Father Joseph Dreher

8) 7th Sunday After Pentecost
By Their Fruits You shall Know Them - Father Joseph Pfeiffer

9) 8th Sunday After Pentecost
Our Preparation For death - Fr. Christopher Leith

10) 9th Sunday After Pentecost
The State of the Average Soul - Fr. Joseph Pfeiffer

11) 10th Sunday After Pentecost
Interior Humility - Fr. Joseph Pfeiffer

12) Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
The Privileges of Our Lady - Fr. Joseph Dreher

13) 12th Sunday After Pentecost
Cultivating Purity in Ourselves and Others - Fr. Kenneth Novak

14) 13th Sunday after Pentecost
The Error of Feeneyism - Fr. Christopher Leith

15) Feast of Saint Pius X
The Shepherd's Commission to Feed his Flock - Fr. Christopher Leith

16) 14th Sunday after Pentecost
Resisting Temptation - Fr. Christopher Leith

17) 15th Sunday after Pentecost
The Just Correction of Others - Fr. Joseph Pfeiffer

18) 16th Sunday after Pentecost
The Virtue of Humility - Fr. Christopher Leith

19) 17th Sunday after Pentecost
Keeping God in Our Thoughts - Fr. Joseph Pfeiffer

20) 18th Sunday after Pentecost
The Suffering of St. Theresa of Lisieux - Fr. Robert MacPherson

21) 19th Sunday after Pentecost
Our Duty to Save Souls - Fr. Hulmuts Lbietis

22) 20th Sunday after Pentecost
Our Daily Conversion through Faith, Hope & Charity - Fr. Christopher Leith

23) 21st Sunday after Pentecost
The Nature of the Angels - Fr. Joseph Pfeiffer

24) 22nd Sunday after Pentecost
The Prerogatives of Christ's Kingship - Fr. Christopher Leith

25) All Saints Day
Measuring Time by the Saints- Fr. Joseph Pfeiffer

26) 23rd Sunday after Pentecost
Continuatinon of The Sermon on "The Nature of the Angels" - Fr. J. Pfeiffer

27) 24th Sunday after Pentecost
Knowing Our Catechism - Fr. Christopher Leith

28) 24th Sunday after Pentecost
The Source of "Being" - Fr. Christopher Leith