The monthly cost of running a parish and seminary is monstrous. Here we will list the monthly average for the recurring bills that must be met. Please consider signing up to donate for a particular bill for the month or just contribute what you are able. A PayPal button for OLMC is located at the bottom of the sign up sheet in the Volunteer List Tab below for your convenience. Please be sure to note on the Volunteer Sign-up List that your donation is for 'Utilities' or for a particular bill, i.e. 'Electricity for the month of June.' Or something of that nature.
Monetary Contributions may be made via PayPal on the Volunteer List Tab
Electric Bill: $1,300 - $1,800
Water: $300
Propane Gas: $800
Telephone/Internet: $3,000
Car Insurance (3 policies): 1st: $1,200 2nd: $850 3rd: $850
Convent Chapel Mortgage: $326 ($6,000 will pay it off)
Please click the 'Volunteer List' tab below in order to sign up or donate via PayPal for this volunteering job.